Registration Details

Society Registration
Societies Registration Act, 1860; Registration No. 282/2003-2004 dated 17.05.2003; Renewal No. 619/2018-19, dated: 17/05/2018

FCRA Registration
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976; Registration No. 136550399.Dated 4.11.2009 and Renewed for a period ending on 31.03.2027

Income Tax Section 12 A Registration
80/32/2003-04 dated 17.05.2003 u/s 12A of Income Tax Registration Act

Renewal : AAATP6861EE20213, Date of registration 24-09-2021, Assessment year or years for which the trust or institution is registered From AY 2022-23 to AY 2026-27

Income Tax Section 80G Registration
Approval No. CIT EXEMTION LUCKNOW/80G/2017-18/A10043, Order No.
ITBA/EXM/S/80G/2017-18/1005039498(1), dated 24.07.2017
Renewal: AAATP6861EF20211, Date of Registration 24-09-2021, Assessment year or years
for which the trust or institution is registered from AY 2022-23 to AY 2026-27



NGO Darpan Registration

Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Office of the Registrar of Companies
Approval for registration of the Entities for Undertaking CSR Activities. Reference: Organizational application dated 29.04.2021 (SRN-T16771602) Registration Number: CSR00004097